Tele-Jaguar shares video, on Facebook, of a white woman harassing a Hispanic gardener, demanding him to show her his papers, not wearing a mask, and getting in his personal space, even blowing kisses at him [VIDEO]

Tele-Jaguar shares a video that shows what people of color are up against. A young Hispanic man, who was on the job, working as a gardener, got confronted by an older white woman. The woman immediately began demanding this man to show his papers, not wearing a mask, and getting into his personal space, refusing to move out of the way.By Bossyy Staff Writer

A young, Hispanic, man was working, when he was confronted by the woman in the photo, above. When the woman saw this young man, in her neighborhood, she immediately began harassing him. Clearly, the man was working, as the weed whacker could be heard.

Despite seeing this, the woman decided to come after the young man, who told her he was working. The woman all but said she didn’t care and continued to harass him. All of this was taking place while the man was simply trying to work.

Tele-Jaguar shared the video, where the white woman, in the photo above, walked in front of the Hispanic man, while he was working. She immediately asked the man to show his papers, to which he refused, asking if she was FBI. In turn, the man asked her to move out of his way, which she refused to, and wasn’t wearing a mask, and continued to harass him over his papers.

Watch the entire video below:

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