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Mally Mall Turns Himself in, and Begins 33-Month Prison Sentence For Operating Illegal Prostitution Ring in Las Vegas; Was Denied Request to Delay Prison Sentence, After Citing Health Concerns

Last month, TMZ reported that Mally Mall was attempting to get his 33-month prison sentenced delayed, due to how he supposedly trying to find out if a mass he had on his thigh was cancerous. The platinum producer was attempting to provide evidence of a CT scan or biopsy.

According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, Mall’s request to delay this sentence has been denied, and has surrendered, to begin the sentence. A. judge reportedly said that Mall couldn’t explain why he couldn’t get health treatment, while incarcerated. This also comes after Mall denied to Hip-HopVibe last month, that he wasn’t trying to get the sentenced postponed.

The judge wasn’t falling for anything, as she  said she wouldn’t “entertain any further meritless delay tactics.” Mall was previously convicted in 2019 of operating an illegal prostitution ring, in Las Vegas. Mall will be serving his sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan, Oregon.

Mall’s released date as of now, is December 15, 2023. His attorney, Steve Sadow, has since released a statement, following Mall turning himself in.

“Mally Mall over the last several years had dedicated his life to music and helping people. He has fully recognized the error in his ways and has gone out of his way to try to make amends. He intends to take full advantage of each and every program offered by the Federal Bureau of Prisons.”

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