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Lesbian couple gets beaten up and called homophobic slurs for refusing to kiss for men, looking for entertainment

By Bossyy Staff Writer

Every day, there is some form of news that comes out that makes one question “what is this world coming to?” Definitely, there is an appeal of lesbianism, among men. For decades, nearly a generation, it’s been played up, as a form of marketing, for various products and shows.

But, what is entertainment for some is real life for others. Regardless of life choices, everyone is owed the freedom and respect to be their full selves, as long as they do others no harm. Unfortunately, not everyone feels that way.

Melania Geymonat (photoed right) and her girlfriend, Chris (left), were recently riding a bus in London. Enjoying the upper levels, the couple soon encountered some men, who picked up on them being a romantic couple. Looking for cheap entertainment, the men asked the ladies to kiss, which they rightfully turned down.

Simply being asked to kiss is an insult to these ladies and their relationship. After turning down the men’s request, the men turned violent against Melania and Chris. Calling them homophobic slurs, the men began to beat the women, leaving their faces and clothes badly bloodied, when the men should have been protecting them.

Source: Metro News

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