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Jon Connor to do theme song for CBS Sports’ “Inside College Basketball”

Jon ConnorBy The Hip Hop Writer
Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer

If there is any city in Michigan expected to produce big name hip hop talent, Detroit is definitely it. Detroit has hit its stride, once again, with Big Sean and a number of other up-and-coming acts returning the city to glory. But, Flint should not be left out of the hip hop action, either.

Whatever action Detroit had, Flint is definitely making up for it. Jon Connor gained the attention of many rap fans in 2011. During the spring of 2012, Jon Connor became a bigger star when he released The People’s Rapper. Remixing Eminem’s classic songs, Jon Connor has since become a mixtape legend.

Jon Connor, like all rising rappers, has hopes of one day becoming a major artist in the mainstream. Earlier this week, Jon Connor made major steps toward doing this when CBS selected him to do music for them. On CBS Sports’ “Inside College Basketball,” Jon Connor will be conducting the theme song.