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Game tells Tiffney he loves her on Instagram [PHOTO]

Game 56It’s hard to put Game into one specific category, because he is a complex person, both on and off the camera. One thing is for sure, as tough as he is, he loves hard and is a born entertainer. He exhibited both of these qualities on “Marrying The Game,” his VH1 reality show.

The show centered around Game and his relationship with Tiffney Cambridge, his longtime girlfriend. In 2012, Game proposed to her, but they never went through with the marriage. However, the show lasted for three seasons, each season ending with the engagement cancelled.

Late last summer, Game revealed he and Tiffney broke up, but said he’d always have lover for her. In the wake of their breakup, Game began partying with all types of women and throwing wild parties, which he shared with his Instagram followers. Now, it looks like Game may be trying to get back with Tiffney, commenting “I love you” on one of her Instagram photos.



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