HHV Exclusive: AGoff talks “Based Disciple” album and more with DJ Louie Styles

AGoff HHVPeople familiar with the movement know about the ties to SODMG that predate this current run with Hip Hop Vibe. Without a doubt, working with Hip Hop Vibe has been an enriching experience, as has being a part of SOD. This week, the two worlds had a chance to collide and it was legendary.

SODMG fans should already be aware of the history with AGoff and how hard he’s been working on his new music. This week, AGoff came to town and it was legendary because work and play collided. It was a plus because Hip Hop Vibe work had a chance to merge with SODMG work.

In the midst of all of it, we took a little time out to do an interview. AGoff is working on his Based Disciple album and we discussed it. Usually, someone else comes in to write these articles, but tonight we decided to change things up and do it this way, seeing how this interview came together.